Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne التطبيقات

La Tania 7.012
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
The official app of for La Tania, offered bythe Tourist Office.An easy and live access to your Resort latest's news.- Trail map with GPS positioning- Live opening and closing status of trails and lifts- Weather and snow forecast- Webcams- Emergency call : direct contact with our ski patrols- Alertes infos de l’Office de Tourisme- Resort information with GPS positioning : Restaurantsn, bars,shops and services- Village Map- Share your experience directly on our social newtorks- My Pass : buy your skipass online- SKI+ : Track and share your ski experience and join the otherskiers in a ranking system- Augmented Reality : a mobile orientation table to know the nameof the summits around the ski area- My Pics : customize and share your pictures- My Friends : share your position with your friends on the skiarea and chat with them !Weather conditions, avalanche risk, opening/closing, grooming orGPS positioning are only for informational purposes only.Continue use of GPS running in the background can decreasebattery level.
La Toussuire 6.051
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
With the new "La Toussuire" app you will findall the informations you need on your favorite resort.- Interactive Trail Map- Weather and Snow forecast- Webcams- Pratical Guilde- My Ski : measure your performances !And lot of other functionnalities.Warning : Continue use of GPS running in the background candecrease battery level
Les Sybelles
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
Avec la nouvelle application des Sybellesretrouvez toutes les informations sur les stations de notre domaine: Le Corbier, La Toussuire, Saint Jean d'Arves, Saint Sorlind'Arves, Les Bottières et Saint Colomban des Villards.- Plan des pistes Interactif avec plus de 20 fonctionnalités- Bulletin complet des ouvertures et fermetures de tout le domaineet des liaisons.- Météo du jour et prévisions (fournies par Météo France)- Webcams- Guide Pratique des stations et Plan du village : Toutes les infospratiques géolocalisées et à portée de main- My Ski : mesurez vos performances !- Sybelles Tours : tenez-vous informé des temps moyen de trajetpour aller ou revenir de l'Ouillon depuis ou vers n'importelaquelle des stations- Mes Amis : pour retrouver vos amis sur les pistes- Horaires des navettes- Rechargement du forfait depuis votre mobileEt d'autres fonctionnalités pour découvrir ou redécouvrir votredomaine !Attention, l'utilisation du GPS en tache de fond peut diminuerrapidement le niveau de votre batterie.The use of GPS in background can decrease battery life.With the new applicationSybelles find all the information on our field stations: TheCorbier, La Toussuire, Saint Jean d'Arves, Saint Sorlin, TheBottières and Saint Colomban des Villards.- Interactive map tracks with more than 20 features- Full Report of openings and closings of the whole area andlinks.- Weather and forecast (provided by Météo France)- Webcams- Practical Guide stations and Village Map: All informationpractices and geotagged hand- My Ski: Measure your performance!- Tours Sybelles: keep yourself informed of the average journeytime to go back or the Ouillon or from any of the stations- My friends: to meet friends on the slopes- Schedule shuttle- Reloading the package from your mobileAnd other features to discover or rediscover your domain!Attention, the use of GPS in the background can quickly decreasethe level of your battery.The use of GPS in background can Decrease battery life.
Sunday River Ski Resort 2.071
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
The Sunday River App is your comprehensiveguide to Sunday River Ski Resort at your fingertips with featuresincluding:- Interactive map indicating lift & trail status in realtime- Current weather & snow report- A function to find your friends- List of events- Augmented reality- Ability to track miles skied, maximum speed, etc.- Access to webcams and videosWarning : Continual use of the GPS can decrease batterylevel.
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
Chamonix Tourist Office, the Compagnie duMont-Blanc and la Chamoniarde (mountain safety and rescueorganization) provide all practical information about Chamonix on asingle and free mobile app : " Chamonix, official mobileapplication of the Chamonix-Mont-Blanc valley ! "Lifts, hiking ideas, mountain bike itineraries, webcams,directory and map of the town, transport, mountain conditions, hutinformation and you can also reload your pass !Continue use of GPS running in the background can decreasebattery level.
The Summit at Snoqualmie 2.071
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
The Summit at Snoqualmie App gives you all thevital Summit and Alpental info a skier or snowboard needs right inthe palm of your hand! Plus, the app connects you with friends,tracks your skiing, and gives you access to videos and webcams.- Interactive map indicating lift & trail status in realtime- Current weather & snow report- A function to find your friends- List of events- Augmented reality- Ability to track miles skied, maximum speed, etc.- Access to webcams and videosWarning : Continual use of the GPS can decrease batterylevel.
Le Grand Bornand 8.013
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
The application of Le Grand Bornand isbringing comfort and safety to Le Grand Bornand ski resort. Broughtto you by the tourism office of Le Grand Bornand and the skiliftscompany.- a dynamic map of the ski area- GPS localization in the resort- a detailed weather forecast of the ski resort- a complete address book of all the stores and services availablein Le Grand Bornand- emergency phone numbersThis application was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne,specialist of digital information for ski resorts.Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease batterylevel.
Alpe d'Huez 8.012
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
APPLICATION REQUIRED TO YOUR STAY...The application of Alpe d'Huez Grand Domaine will revolutionize thecomfort and safety of skiers. Proposed by the Tourist Offices ofAlpe d'Huez Grand Domaine and the SATA (operator of the ski area),this application provides all the amenities you could dream of: thelocation-based interactive trail map, weather, snow, webcams,practical guide for each resort...Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease batterylevel.Photos : Laurent Salino
Portes du Soleil 8.013
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
The official Portes du Soleil applicationmakes you the master of our French-Swiss ski area...On offer to all visitors from the International Association of thePortes du Soleil, this new application contains everything youcould possibly need to know about our cross-border ski network: aninteractive piste map detailing slopes that are open, skiers’ GPSlocation on the slopes in real time, the weather forecast and snowconditions, restaurants on the slopes, webcams, emergency numbersand other useful information. You can also watch the best filmclips about the ski area and browse the events diary.Weather forecasts and piste/ski lift opening and closing times areprovided by the ski resorts within the Portes du Soleil. GPSpositioning is indicative only. Charges may vary depending on yourmobile phone operator and location within the French-Swiss skiarea. The application was developed by Skiplan, the specialists inproviding mobile phone information for skiers.Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease batterylevel.
Avoriaz Snowzone 1.0.3
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
With Avoriaz Snowzone you’ll discover all thesnowzones from Avoriaz and their modules. Compete with other ridersfor the top of the ranking by winning points every time you’ll rideour parks and enjoy the good deals from the resort.Take up our challenges and discover the most reknowned locationsof our ResortOn top of that, get treal-time weather forecast, webcams, gooddeals and live feed about your favorite Snowparks.
Espace Diamant 8.013
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
L’application de l'Espace Diamant varévolutionner le confort et la sécurité de tous à la montagne.Proposée par Labellemontagne et les Offices du Tourisme de CrestVoland / Cohennoz, Flumet et Notre-Dame de Bellecombe, cetteapplication fournit tous les services dont vous pouvez avoir besoin:- le plan des pistes intéractif avec indication des pistes etremontées ouvertes, des pistes damées, etc,- votre position GPS sur les pistes,- la météo détaillée de la station,- l’annuaire des services de la station,- le numéro des secours,- et plein d'autres modules et fonctionnalités...Attention : Le GPS tournant en tache de fond peut diminuer labatterie.The application of theEspace Diamant will revolutionize the comfort and safety of all inthe mountains. Proposed by Labellemontagne and Tourist Crest Voland/ Cohennoz, Flumet and Notre-Dame de Bellecombe, this applicationprovides all the services you need:- The interactive piste map with indication of open slopes andlifts, groomed trails, etc.- GPS position on the slopes- Detailed weather station- Directory service station,- The emergency number,- And many other modules and features ...Attention: The GPS running in the background can decreasebattery.
Saint François Longchamp 8.012
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
L’application de Saint-François Longchamp varévolutionner le confort et la sécurité de tous à la montagne.Proposée par Labellemontagne et l'Office de Tourisme, cetteapplication fournit tous les services dont vous pouvez avoir besoin:- le plan des pistes intéractif avec indication des pistes etremontées ouvertes,- votre position GPS sur les pistes,- la météo détaillée de la station,- l’annuaire des services de la station,- le numéro des secours,- et plein d'autres modules et fonctionnalités...L’application a été développée par Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne,expert dans l’apport d’information aux skieurs sur technologiemobile.Les informations météorologiques, le risque d'avalanche, lesouvertures/fermetures sont fournis par la station. Lepositionnement GPS est donné à titre indicatif. Skiplan LumiplanMontagne ne saurait être tenu responsable en cas d'informationserronées.L'utilisation du GPS en tache de fond peut diminuer rapidement leniveau de la batterieThe application ofSaint-François Longchamp will revolutionize the comfort and safetyof all in the mountains. Proposed by Labellemontagne and TourismOffice, this application provides all the services you need:- The interactive piste map with indication of slopes and liftsopen- GPS position on the slopes- Detailed weather station- Directory service station,- The emergency number,- And many other modules and features ...The application was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Mountain, expertin providing information to skiers on mobile technology.Meteorological information, the risk of avalanche, openings /closings are provided by the station. GPS positioning is given asan indication. Skiplan Lumiplan Mountain can not be held liable forany incorrect information.The use of GPS in the background can quickly decrease the batterylevel
Pralognan 7.110
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
The application of Pralognan is bringingcomfort and safety La Bresse ski area. Brought to you byLabellemontagne (the skilifts company) and the tourism offices ofPralognan.- a dynamic map of the ski area,- GPS localization in the resort,- a detailed weather forecast of the ski resort,- a complete address book of all the stores and servicesavailable,- emergency phone numbers.This application was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne,specialist of digital information for ski resorts.Continue use of GPS running in background can decrease batterylevel.
La Plagne 7.010
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
Access all the information of your favoriteresort:Ski map, useful information, "MySki",videos, webcams...Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramaticallydecrease battery life
Les Menuires 13.012
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
The Android application of Les Menuires is bringing comfort andsafety to Les Menuires ski resort. Brought to you by the tourismoffice of Les Menuires and the skilifts company (SEVABEL). This appleverages the power of iPhone technology to provide you with abetter skiing experience. - a dynamic map of the ski area - GPSlocalization in the resort - a detailed weather forecast of the skiresort - a complete address book of all the stores and servicesavailable in Les Menuires - emergency phone numbers Thisapplication was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne, specialistof digital information for ski resorts. Continue use of GPS runningin background can decrease battery level.
Métabief - Mont d'Or 8.013
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
Avec la nouvelle application de Métabiefretrouvez toutes les informations sur votre station.- Plan des pistes Interactif- Météo du jour et prévisions- Webcams- MySki+ : mesurez vos performances, relevez des challenges etprenez la tête du classement !Et d'autres fonctionnalités pour découvrir ou redécouvrir votredomaine !Attention, l'utilisation du GPS en tache de fond peut diminuerrapidement le niveau de votre batterie.With the new applicationMétabief find all the information about your station.- Interactive map tracks- Free weather forecast- Webcams- MySki +: measure your performance, raise the challenges and takethe top spot!And other features to discover or rediscover your field!Attention, the use of GPS running in the background can decreasethe level of your battery.
Val Thorens 7.012
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
The Android application of Val Thorens isbringing comfort and safety to Val Thorens ski resort. Brought toyou by the tourism office of Val Thorens and the skilifts company(SETAM). This app leverages the power of iPhone technology toprovide you with a better skiing experience.- a dynamic map of the ski area- GPS localization in the resort- a detailed weather forecast of the ski resort- a complete address book of all the stores and services availablein Val Thorens- emergency phone numbersThis application was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne,specialist of digital information for ski resorts.Continue use of GPS running in the background can decreasebattery level.
Méribel 8.013
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
The free, official Méribel appAll the information you need to plan and spend a great holiday isat your fingertips. And now it’s easier to navigate and has evenmore information.Looking for a telephone number, the date of an event, a timetableor price? You’ll find it on the Méribel app!When on the slopes, check the weather forecast, use the interactivepiste map or plan your route for the day.You’ll never need a paper brochure in your pocket again – theMéribel app is all you need.Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease batterylevel.
Orelle 8.012
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
Situated in the Maurienne valley, Orelle is avillage of charm and traditions, composed of several hamlets withhouses of stone and wood with slate roofs, but it is also a skiarea outside pair: 600km of slopes, connected to Val Thorens andthe 3 Valleys, with the 3 Vallées Express gondola ... Buy your skipass online directly on the website Orelle - Val Thorens.Warning: The use of GPS in the background can decrease batterylevel.
Altiservice 8.014
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
The app from altiservice ski resorts
Ax 3 Domaines 8.013
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
Do not wait any longer to download the Ax 3Domaines app !You will find everything you need : weather forecast, snow heights,opening of the slopes and trail map.At the gate of Andorra and Spain, Ax 3 Domaines offers you thegreatest scenic views of the Pyrénées and open its ski area to anylooking for thrill : Bonascre (1400-2000m), le Saquet (1900-2300m)and les Campels (1700-2400m).
DSF 1.4
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
Sous l’appellation « Domaines Skiables deFrance », le SNTF (Syndicat National des Téléphériques de France)fédère les entreprises responsables de l’exploitation, del’entretien et du développement des remontées mécaniques et desdomaines skiables en France.En collaboration avec les collectivités territoriales, cesentreprises publiques, mixtes ou privées, sont au coeur del’intérêt général. Par ailleurs, 150 entreprises fournisseurs de laprofession sont membres correspondants de Domaines Skiables deFrance.Cette application s'adresse aux adhérents de DSF pour leurpermettre de retrouver l'essentiel des outils de DSF sur leursupport mobile.Les autres utilisateurs pourront y découvrir une rapideprésentation de l'organisme.As the "ski areas ofFrance," the SNTF (National Union of Cable France) brings togethercompanies responsible for the operation, maintenance anddevelopment of ski lifts and ski areas in France.In collaboration with local authorities, the private or mixedpublic enterprises are at the heart of the general interest. Inaddition, 150 companies suppliers profession are correspondingmembers of Ski Areas of France.This application is intended for members of DSF to enable themto find the essential tools DSF on their mobile carrier.Other users can discover a quick overview of theorganization.
Les 2 Alpes 8.013
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
The application of Les 2 Alpes is bringingcomfort and safety to Les 2 Alpes ski resort. Brought to you by thetourism office of Les 2 Alpes and the skilifts company (Deux AlpesLoisirs).- a dynamic map of the ski area- GPS localization in the resort- a detailed weather forecast of the ski resort- a complete address book of all the stores and services availablein Les 2 Alpes- emergency phone numbersThis application was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne,specialist of digital information for ski resorts.Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease batterylevel.
Les Contamines 8.012
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
The official application of Les Contamines isbringing comfort to provide you with a better skiingexperience.- a dynamic map of the ski area- GPS localization in the resort- a detailed weather forecast and live webcams- Skipass recharging- Les Conta’ Radio… and many more !Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease batterylevel.
Boyne Highlands 2.071
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
The Boyne Highlands App is your comprehensiveguide at your fingertips with features including:- Interactive map indicating lift & trail status in realtime- Current weather & snow report- A function to find your friends- List of events- Ability to track miles skied, maximum speed, etc.- Access to webcams and videosWarning : Continual use of the GPS can decrease batterylevel.
Boyne Mountain 2.071
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
The Boyne Mountain App is your comprehensiveguide at your fingertips with features including:- Interactive map indicating lift & trail status in realtime- Current weather & snow report- A function to find your friends- List of events- Ability to track miles skied, maximum speed, etc.- Access to webcams and videosWarning : Continual use of the GPS can decrease batterylevel.
Sugarloaf 2.071
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
Ski stats tracker plus all the vitalinformation for a trip to Sugarloaf Mountain, Maine.Track your speed, vertical, and distance. Plus, get details onlift and trail status, snow conditions, weather, maps and eventinformation.Warning: Continual use of GPS can decrease battery level.
Vars 9.010
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
With the new "Vars - La Foret Blanche" app youwill find all the informations you need on your favoriteresort.- Interactive Trail Map- Weather and Snow forecast- Webcams- Pratical Guilde- My Ski : measure your performances !- My Friends : find your contacts and your Facebook friends on theslopes !And lot of other functionnalities.Warning : Continue use of GPS running in the background candecrease battery level
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
L’application officielle de Guzet, proposéepar Altiservice.Toute l’actualité de la station dans la poche, en temps réel etconsultable à tout moment.- Plan des pistes- État et horaires d’ouverture des pistes- Météo et infos neige- Webcams- Appels d’urgence : contact instantané avec les services desecours- Alertes infos via les messages Push : chutes de neige,perturbation sur le domaine, promotions, etc...- Connexion aux réseaux sociaux pour partager ses expériences endirect- Forfaits : achat et rechargement de forfaits de ski enligne- SKI+ : mesurer et partager ses performances de la journée(distance, dénivelé, vitesse, parcours de la journée…), se classerparmi les autres skieurs de la stationLes informations météorologiques, le risque d'avalanche, lesouvertures/fermetures, le damage ainsi que le positionnement GPSsont donnés à titre indicatif.L'utilisation du GPS en tache de fond peut diminuer rapidement leniveau de la batterie.The official applicationof Guzet proposed by Altiservice.News station in the pocket, in real time and available at anytime.- Piste map- State and tracks opening hours- Weather and snow information- Webcams- Emergency Calls: instant contact with the emergencyservices- Info Alerts via push messages: snowfall disturbance on the field,promotions, etc ...- Connect to social networks to share experiences live- Packages: purchase and reload ski passes online- SKI +: Measuring and share performance of the day (distance,altitude, speed, course of the day ...), rank among other skiersstationMeteorological information, the risk of avalanche, open / close,grooming as well as GPS positioning are indicative.The use of GPS running in the background can decrease batterylevel.
Rosa Khutor 8.010
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
Welcome to Rosa Khutor Officialapplication.Rosa Khutor will host all alpine skiing, freestyle and snowboardevents for the 2014 Winter Olympics and Paralympics.To get the most out of Rosa Khutor, find all the live ski areanews on your smartphone :- Interactive trail map with live ski lift and ski runopenings- Find your geolocation on the ski area- Webcams- Weather forecast- High altitude restaurantsAfter your day of skiing find all information for yourvacation:- Village mapsUse fun functionalities to enhance your stay experience.- A function to find your friends- Distance skied, maximum speed, etc.- Access to Rosa Khutor's videosAlso available for your security: direct access to ski patrolphone number.
Les 7 Laux 8.013
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
Avec la nouvelle application des 7 Lauxretrouvez toutes les informations sur votre station.- Plan des pistes Interactif- Météo du jour et prévisions- Webcams- My Ski : mesurez vos performances !Et d'autres fonctionnalités pour découvrir ou redécouvrir votredomaine !With the new application7 Laux find all the information about your station.- Interactive map tracks- Free weather forecast- Webcams- My Ski: measure your performance!And other features to discover or rediscover your field!
Espace San Bernardo 8.012
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
With the new "Espace San bernardo" app youwill find all the informations you need on your favorite resorts :La Rosière and La Thuile.- Interactive Trail Map- Weather and Snow forecast- Webcams- Pratical Guilde- My Ski : measure your performances !And lot of other functionnalities.Warning : Continue use of GPS running in the background candecrease battery level
Vercors 9.010
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
Tout le Vercors en poche :l’application officielle et incontournable du Vercors.Entrez dans le Vercors… et laissez-vous guider ! Ici l’esprit arendez-vous avec la nature, le corps avec le bien-être. Le Vercorset ses stations familles, fournisseur officiel d’oxygène… : Villardde Lans/Corrençon en Vercors, Autrans, Méaudre, Lans en Vercors etles Coulmes.Cette application proposée par Vercors Tourisme met à votredisposition l’intégralité de l’offre touristique du Vercors. Elleest l’outil idéal pour vivre des vacances « Made in Vercors ».Retrouvez toutes les informations pratiques pour chacune de vosescapades ski et vos activités sur le massif.A tout moment consultez :-la météo-les numéros des secours,-les webcams,-l’annuaire des services du Vercors-l’agenda des événements-et plein d’autres modules et fonctionnalités…En fonction de l’endroit où vous vous trouvez, vous disposez de laliste des hébergements, restaurants, commerces et services… lesplus proches de vous.Consultez leurs horaires d’ouverture, choisissez et téléphonez pourréserver…A tout moment, utilisez le moteur de recherche multicritères pourtrouver immédiatement l’adresse que vous aimez ou dont vous avezentendu parler.Profitez également des bonus, vidéos et bons plans desstations…Les bulletins météo sont fournis par les stations du Vercors. Lepositionnement GPS est donné à titre indicatif.Cette application a été développée par Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne,expert dans l’apport d’information aux skieurs sur technologiemobile. Elle est alimentée par la plateforme de travailcollaboratif SITRA (Système d’Information Touristique Rhône-Alpes),renseignée par les Offices de Tourisme des stations duVercors.Attention : le GPS tournant en tache de fond peut diminuer leniveau de la batterie.All the Vercors inpocket:formal and essential application of Vercors.Enter the Vercors ... and let us guide you! Here the mind has anappointment with nature, with the body wellness. The Vercors andits families stations, official supplier of oxygen ... Villard deLans / Corrençon en Vercors, Autrans, Méaudre, Lans en Vercors andCoulmes.This application proposed by Vercors Tourism provides the entiretourist offer of the Vercors. It is ideal for vacation living "Madein Vercors." Find all the practical information for each of yourski outings and activities on the massif.At any time check:-weather-The numbers of relief,-The webcams,-l'annuaire of the Vercors services-l'agenda events-and many other modules and features ...Depending on where you are, you have a list of accommodations,restaurants, shops and services ... closest to you.Check their opening hours, choose and call to reserve ...At any time, use the Advanced search engine to immediately find theaddress that you like or that you heard.Also enjoy bonuses, videos and tips stations ...Weather forecasts are provided by the Vercors stations. GPSpositioning is given as an indication.This application was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Mountain, expertin providing information to skiers on mobile technology. It ispowered by the collaborative work platform SITRA (System TouristInformation Rhône-Alpes), informed by the Vercors resorts TouristOffices.Warning: GPS running in the background can decrease batterylevel.
Tahoe Donner 8.012
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
Tahoe Donner’s application will revolutionizethe comfort and convenience of everyone on the mountain. Offered bythe Tahoe Donner Association, this app provides all the servicesyou need and much more, such as:- Interactive trail map, indicating trail & lift status inreal-time- GPS live positioning on the slopes- Weather forecast, snow report- Ability to track distance skied, maximum speed, etc.- Access to webcams and videosWarning : Continual use of the GPS can decrease batterylevel.
Big Sky Resort 7.012
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
The Big Sky App is your comprehensive guidetoBig Sky Resort at your fingertips with features including:- Interactive map indicating lift & trail status inrealtime- Current weather & snow report- A function to find your friends- List of events- Ability to track miles skied, maximum speed, etc.- Access to webcams and videosWarning : Continual use of the GPS can decreasebatterylevel.
Loon Mountain 2.071
Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne
Enhance your adventure with thisinteractiveguide to Loon Mountain Resort, NH. The Loon Mountain Appwill add anew dimension to your mountain experience with featuresincluding:- Interactive trail map indicating lift & trail statusinreal time- Current weather and snow report- Social media connectivity- Find your friends around the resort- Track your miles skied/ridden, vertical drop, and more- Augmented reality of scenic attractions, mountain featuresandmore- View live cams, photos and videosWarning: Continual use of GPS can decrease battery level.